All Updates will be Listed here along with minor bugs!

Updates                                                                                            Bugs

-Added 15 free credits to all players accounts
-Added continued support to players who purchased gamepasses, any items the old gamepasses gave you will be free - forever
-Added mouse-over description popup to "Available" and "Loadout" credit amounts in character creator
-Changed character creator sliders/options to turn gold when they require credits to spawn with
-Changed character creator sliders/options to turn green when the player owns an old gamepass that gave them selected items
-Disabled credit purchasing until we are sure credits are saving properly

-Added four developer products, allowing purchase of "Spawn Credits"
-Added ability to purchase additional clothes, hats, vest colors, hair colors with Spawn Credits
-Added ability to purchase "Enhanced Spawn" and choosing general spawn location with Spawn Credits
-Added Personal Radio to Enhanced Spawn option in character creator
-Added progress bar to loading assets screen
-Improved ADS zoom across all weapons - magnified for weapons with sights
-Removed gamepasses - any passes you purchased will be reimbursed with Spawn Credits
-Fixed GPS failing to function
-Attempted fix for data failing to save properly
-Attempted fix for intro screen breaking

5/26/14 Hotfix
-Fixed spawning without items
-Fixed black screen on startup
-Fixed hotkeys failing to function
-Fixed red beret failing to fit to head
-Fixed chemlights appearing as the wrong color

-Added hat and accessory system to inventory
-Added 30 hats and accessories to the loot table
-Added data store saving - reliable data saving
-Added data obfuscation
-Added higher Aim Down Sight accuracy - magnified for weapons with sights
-Added new ADS recoil system
-Added new loading sequence
-Added new death sequence
-Added new character creator
-Added more hair color options to character creator
-Added option to choose pants and shirts separately - pants and shirt items now spawn separately
-Added new weapon firing and reload sounds
-Added new ambience sounds during day/night
-Added new suppressor sound
-Added new low health "heartbeat" sound
-Added metal creaking sound to radio tower
-Added ZolarKeth's armor to military zombie drops
-Removed hero headband and bandit bandana reward hats
-Removed ability to earn "Hero" badges
-Restricted player jumping to once every 2 seconds
-Changed all weapons sounds to be slightly quieter
-Changed forward makarov sight to be slightly thinner
-Changed pants and shirts to spawn as separate items
-Changed zombies to spawn with a variety of hair selections
-Changed player packages to force 1.0 Robloxian
-Changed death message to not appear for your own death
-Changed military backpack mesh to look more appealing
-Fixed crouch/leg sinking glitch
-Fixed incorrect descriptions for kobra and reflex sight
-Fixed some gun sight brick colors appearing grey
-Fixed Zombies occasionally failing to spawn
-Fixed torso blocking shots after player death
-Fixed flashlight acting as a laser sight - stat wise

-Fixed massive Roblox GUI update
-Fixed magazine duping through inventory

-Attempted fix for zombies failing to attack players

-Changed HK417's rate of fire from 900 to 600

-Completely rebalanced all weapon stats and slightly modified spawn rates
-Attempted fix at inventory slots breaking
-Reset character data due to over-abundance of illegal items

-Attempted fix at player disconnections upon joining
-Attempted fix at numerous inventory glitches
-Modified radio transmission

-Fixed an issue where guns would produce light after being fired
-Added a new radio transmission broadcast from somewhere on the map

-Added radio GUI that allows for quick volume control and toggle of sound
-Added 20 new songs to radio broadcast
-Added 10 intermissions to radio broadcast
-Changed music/intermission playback system to never repeat sounds until all are played

-Added radio utility that will relay broadcasts from different locations on map
-Replaced intro music with higher quality audio

-Fixed group invite glitch
-Added predetermined color to player names in custom chat
-Disabled Guests from speaking in custom chat

-Disabled Roblox's default chat system
-Added custom GUI chat system
-Added group and global chat channels - and ability to switch between them

-Reverted "Plastic" materials in vehicles and the Heli Crash to "Smooth Plastic"
-Reset character data due to over-abundance of illegal items

-Reverted all "Plastic" materials to "Smooth Plastic"

-Temporarily fixed group invite glitch (Enters after four characters are typed)

-Added "Trinity Camo Pack" game pass
-Added anti-combat logging system
-Improved spawn screen loading time

-Added kill counting to explosives, mines are defensive kills, C4 is offensive
-Added ability to shoot mines and explode them, C4 cannot be shot to explode
-Added ability for Mansion, Radio Tower, and Fort to be destructible
-Replaced Adrenaline perk with the Vitality perk (regens full over health over 10 minutes)

-Added "Camo Pack 1" and "Camo Pack 2" game pass
-Fixed broken vehicles

-Added "Enhanced Starting Equipment" game pass
-Added title music that loops while starting the game and creating character
-Utilized "Server Storage" and "Server Script Storage" for some items
-Fixed C4 dupe glitch
-Fixed an issue where chemlights wouldn't drop as (or appear as) the correct color

-Enabled shadows on all light sources
-Added stamina bar
-Added C4 and detonator
-Added Anti-Vehicle mine
-Added Anti-Personnel mine (group members/owner don't trigger them)
-Added ability to destroy most buildings (except specials like the mansion/fort)
-Attempted fix for arms and legs falling off

First Week Of June! 2014

-Credit Purchase Down

-Saving System Data Reset

-Credit Earnings (Development) Broken/Postponed!